Monday, March 14, 2011


When I was nine years old, I heard Labyrinth's Return to Heaven Denied and Killers by Iron Maiden. Crimson Glory's debut pretty much sealed the deal; I knew I'd be a metalhead for life. It wasn't long after that I developed a passion for expressing my ideas and opinions on metal, which has easily become the most important aspect of my life. Nothing excites and enthralls me like a beautiful display of emotive, resonant music. This euphoria has no equal, and just when I think I've run out of sources to find it, I always somehow stumble upon yet another hidden masterwork. I've come to the conclusion that this music is infinite. Not all that can be done has been done or ever will be done, and it hasn't evoken every possible emotion that it can in me... And so the search goes on. I'm gonna enjoy every minute of it.

That's basically the point of this place: to share my experiences in this anomalous miracle of a genre called metal (not always positive, mind you), and provide some distinct opinions in the process. If you think nostalgia or sentimental value gets to my head too much sometimes, well, you'd probably be right. Just try to remember the pedestal you keep your favories on. I hope you enjoy my writing as much as I've enjoyed the material that influences me to write it. Hope you discover something new along the way.

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